Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Easy to be honest, with yourself.

So in the past month I have managed to rack up about 720 pages of stories, feelings and well it’s a small book of memories that started out something like. I wonder, if the human body can stand all the stress and punishment of being put on the moon why can I not push myself to finish a stupid 7b+. Why do I always get stuck in a job as a favour to someone else to helping them out, then I get messed around, screwed over and get stuck in a job I hate. If the Christian God is a loving God why is there so much suffering in the world? I really need to get back on my mountain bike.

My mind was all over the place.

The last few pages were more along the lines of a heart song gone wrong.

It is the start of something new, the start of perfection gone wrong. At night the pain in my hands keep me awake but I cannot wait for the next day to see her again. Renew this feeling of life she gives me. Only to stand here looking over the edge of my own honesty. To renew the feeling that will keep me up again all night. Now my mind will not still as the memories take over and play like old silent movies on the back of my eye lids. Soon this will be all I will be left with again. More memories as she returns home, does she even know how much she means to me. Does she even know how much she lights up the world for me?

And now it is today.
I’m hopeless. :P

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